Where Has ‘Doing Nothing’ Gotten You?

I'm writing this to serve up a reality check. Not one to make you angry or make you feel bad about yourself, but one that will maybe get you to realize that you can literally take control of your health immediately. Your inbox, TV and social media feeds are about to get flooded with 2017 … Continue reading Where Has ‘Doing Nothing’ Gotten You?

Utilize Limited Time

This time of year is my favorite. There's always something going on, there never seems to be enough days in the week or hours in a day. Yet, for some reason, I embrace that type of crazy. With less time, there's an added pressure to make sure you use your time a bit more wisely. You … Continue reading Utilize Limited Time

5 Unorthodox “To-Do’s” to Get Healthy Now

So, while we all want fitness and health success immediately, there's a really good chance it's not going to happen that way. Ultimately, your end goal will need time, patience and constant restructuring; and an end goal becomes a never-ending goal. Becoming the kind of healthy and fit that is sustainable is not an end goal. … Continue reading 5 Unorthodox “To-Do’s” to Get Healthy Now

Small Changes

I know. That's not what you want to hear. Small changes lead to big ones. So, let me ask you this: Have your grandiose, life-altering, 180 degree changes in the past lead you to your ultimate goals? I'm thinking, probably not. Humor me; read on and see if maybe a few changes can be lasting … Continue reading Small Changes